NewMediaWire | Moses Mandelbaum – Meet the Creator of the True Outliers Tribe

New York, New York – (NewMediaWire) – November 7, 2020 – Moses Mandelbaum developed his fashion experience growing up in the family business, Gertex – a leading Canadian hosiery and accessory company. As he worked various positions including accounting, sourcing and staffing, he learned the basis for the foundation of his business True Outliers. Moses founded True Outliers in 2018 on his quest to create a beautiful, warm and environmentally friendly coat that could withstand the Canadian winters. It took over 2 years and 30 prototypes to find the perfect blend of sustainable materials, style and comfort to design the luxury parkas available now.
True Outliers doesn’t have customers, rather clients are part of the Tribe, the collection of individuals across the world who embody the core ideals. True Outliers are not concerned with what everyone else is doing, and they beat to their own drum. The first year of business exceeded expectations; products were sold out while a tribe was born. Before purchasing something from True Outliers, potential customers need to include a few sentences about themselves and their social media information to help screen potential “tribe members”. This keeps the brand and parkas quite exclusive, and gives the True Outliers team quite a lot of research to do, with an average of over 100 daily applicants.
Although every entrepreneur faces challenges when starting their company, Moses Mandelbaum didn’t view the obstacles as an issue because he is doing what he loves. He tackles problems like in a video game where you always improve and move onto the next level. Each challenge tackled makes the tribe stronger as a whole.
Mindset is critical in business and life in general. Moses always had the passion and mindset to design the perfect winter coat. For Moses Mandelbaum, it means being positive and looking for the silver lining. His advice to those embracing a new venture is “Believe in yourself, and if it’s hard and you want to give up, then know that you are getting somewhere and to see it through until the end.”
Fear often hinders people from reaching their potential, however, Moses explains what fear means to him. “The highest purpose of fear is to keep you on track. Make sure you know what you want, if you encounter fear on the way ask yourself why you are afraid. Then show yourself that there is NOTHING to fear and then the fear should embolden you to take that risk.” As Moses explained to The House of Toronto, “At some point, I came to the realization that I don’t have to belong, I just have to be me. That put me on a path to define who I am for myself, and to begin my own journey according to what is right for me.” Taking control of your destiny and being true to yourself is pivotal to success.
Success is a tricky word to define and everyone has their own variation of what it means to them. Moses’ definition of success is “I have a core belief that we are all enough. Who we are today, with all of our flaws, insecurities, and problems is enough. That’s right, you reading this are enough. You don’t need to do anything or say the right thing or buy or look the right way. Who you are is enough. Once I really understood that on a deep level and began to live it I knew I had found ‘success’. That’s it. Going forward all I do is continue to feel and live that and I am a living success.” Each year as the business grows with like-minded individuals, Moses has a sense of accomplishment. To see if True Outliers is the tribe for you, visit here, and good luck with your application!
Kiley Almy