State of Connecticut Awards Prestigious Bidding Privileges to Mammoth Security Inc.

NEW BRITAIN, CT – (NewMediaWire) – October 14, 2022 – Mammoth Security Inc. today announced that it has been certified by the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services (DAS) as a Prequalification Construction Contractor. The security-system and telecom-cabling installation company is now one of only a handful trusted by the state to bid on large state- and city-funded telecommunications and alarm system projects. What’s more, cities and towns are no longer required to request and wait for multiple bids before assigning projects to Mammoth Security.
Mammoth Security earned this coveted bidding status from the State of Connecticut only after passing extensive background checks, thorough reviews of CPA-prepared financial documents, and a rigorous evaluation process that covered the following categories:
CEO Eugene Klimaszewski greatly appreciates the state’s recognition of Mammoth Security’s commitment to meeting the highest standards of workmanship, integrity, and service. “The team at Mammoth is honored to be trusted to complete large-scale projects for cities and the state. Everyone from our sales engineers to the technicians coming out to repair your single broken camera make this all possible.”
The new bidding prequalification is the most recent of many endorsements Mammoth Security Inc. has received for its honest, cost-efficient bids and its record of delivering on its promises. After Mammoth Security designed New Britain City Hall’s state-of-the-art video surveillance system, programmed its access control, and ensured that all building alarms and software panels were in top condition, New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart described their team this way: “They’re personable. They’re relatable. And we can call them anytime with any problems that we have.”
Mammoth Security Inc. is a CT-based security and cabling installation contractor that uses modern technology to provide top-grade security and telecom solutions at a lower cost. The company specializes in the installation and maintenance of burglary and fire alarm systems, security camera systems, access control systems, telecommunications systems, and the cabling that makes all of these systems work.
Media Contact:
Phone: (860) 748-4292
Address: 1 Hartford Square #25
City: New Britain
State: Connecticut
Postal Code: 06052
Country: United States