Jeff Brown Second Wave: Near Future Report (Tech Melt 2020)

New York, NY – (NewMediaWire) – September 8, 2020 – The Near Future Report is led by Brownstone Research’s Jeff Brown, is an investment advisory dedicated to recognizing the top tech trends of today. Specifically, those trends that are ready and on the brink of massive adoption, according to Jeff. The growing network of recommended stocks featured inside the Near Future Report, connects revolutionary shifts in technology such as and not limited to, 5g, cloud computing, AI, and other sound technologies with real potential returns.
In a recent online Tech Melt 2020 video presentation for Tech Minute, Jeff joined the host to talk about this new opportunity detailed in Brownstone Research’s Near Future Report, being called the “Second Wave Prediction.” When viewers watch Host Chris Hurt ask Jeff about his history in investments, revealing how Jeff had already predicted the dotcom boom, the real estate bubble and cryptocurrencies, individuals will see just how sincere Jeff Brown’s Second Wave prediction really is as America’s top tech analyst shares the details of what is about to happen in the market. These next investments will be an even bigger opportunity, and consumers still have a chance to get involved.
During the free to watch interview, Jeff explains that there’s an opportunity in the market that hasn’t been available in nearly two decades, and there are many stocks that will fall by over 90%. Luckily, Jeff believes that he has the answers that can help consumers take advantage of stocks he considers to be “market resistant.” However, that’s not their only advantage – they also can increase the value of an investment substantially.
The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed economies globally, and many companies have already sought out this opportunity without even knowing, the need for them was finally coming. The changes created by this disease have led to new online opportunities, for example, nowadays people can shop for groceries without leaving their home. Without the coronavirus, this change could’ve been years in the making, but the need for change has created a much faster timeline.
The latest company that Jeff has found as a potential start investment, he believes it to be at the epicenter of a tech explosion that is bringing a 5,900% boom to consumers everywhere, and it is urgent for investors to get involved while they can. In the second wave, Jeff warns that many stocks will end up crashing, but he plans to reveal the investments that will stand strong in The Near Future Report.
Along with the use of The Near Future Report, users will gain access to a few special reports that Jeff has already put together, including:
- Toxic Tech: 5 Tech “Darlings” to Dump Right Now
- The #1 Biotech Stock of 2020: Why the FDA Just Fast-Tracked the “King of Genetic Sequencing”
- The New Economy: 5 Stocks That Will Soar in the “Post-COVID” World
- The Top Biotech Buyout Candidate: The 2,200% Secret
- One-Page Blueprint
Access to these special reports can’t be found with a purchase anywhere else.
Accessing the Near Future Report
The only way to get access to The Near Future Report and all of the special reports listed above is to pay $49 (though the content itself is worth closer to $1,000). This payment will give consumers a full year of enrollment in the monthly newsletters from The Near Future Report, and they’ll have access to the protection plan to the additional materials and a report called Jeff Brown’s New 679% Stimulus Play.
Additionally, readers will have up to 60 days to get a refund, for any case. To reach out with other questions and concerns, call 888-493-3156 or visit
Final Thoughts
With every edition of the Near Future Report, readers will witness Jeff Brown’s research and aim to identify companies that are steps away from major growth. More importantly, with every issue, you could become informed of the most active trends and technologies to pay attention to, track, and stay up to date on.
Anyone that invests in technology knows that this field can be rather competitive. Day by day, the world is introduced to new innovations, and it may be difficult to determine which opportunities have the potential for a lucrative future. Jeff Brown, however, has earned a reputation as America’s most accurate technology investor, predicting the top investments for technology in three consecutive years.
The Near Future Report creates an opportunity for consumers to thrive through the pandemic with surefire ways to make a profit. While many of the secrets won’t be revealed without a purchase, Jeff Brown has a long-standing history of making the right choices for investors. These times are unlike any other that the tech world has experienced, but the right guidance will help consumers to avoid massive damage to their financial portfolio.